LABIN K+ is a solid product, totally soluble, specially indicated to make contributions of POTASSIUM in the phenological moments of greater demand of your culture.
The carboxylic acids in its formulation act as activators, improving the solubility of the potassium salt and favouring the translocation and activity of the potassium. The result is an improvement in all the parameters related to the fruit ripening process: sugar content, colouring, size, etc.
LABIN ECO-K incorporates POTASSIUM in the form of a natural organic complex that provides it with greater activity and assimilation capacity, together with AMINO ACIDS, which intervene directly on metabolic functions related to cell division and sugar synthesis.
It can be applied by FOLIAR and FERTIGATION, in the phases of growth and ripening of the fruit. It is also recommended to apply it after the harvest, if the productions are high, to achieve the recovery of the potassium extractions and a better predisposition for the future campaigns.
With your application we get:
– Improvement of the size, homogeneity and colouring of the fruit.
– Improve production in demanding crops, such as olive groves.
– Increased resistance and improved post-harvest conservation.
Liquid fertiliser, with quite high potassium content, miscible in water and totally assimilable, which is particularly suitable for periods of fruit growth and ripening.
LABIFOL POTASICO 50 V is enriched with amino acids and copper to make potassium more active, efficient and translocatable within the plant.
With this product we manage to increase the size and the sugar content, facilitating a suitable ripening and improving the organoleptic characteristics of the fruit.
In the case of the olive grove, it also increases the fat content and, therefore, the yield of the harvest.
LABIFOL SPYDONE is a highly developed foliar and root application product containing 100% assimilable zinc.
Zinc is a trace element whose functions are important for the plant’s metabolism because it is a co-factor of the enzyme that is very actively involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids and in the metabolism of auxins, the plant’s “natural defences”.
The contributions of zinc are highly recommended by foliar route for especially sensitive crops, which need the contribution of this element, such as cereals, corn, fruit trees, cotton and vines.
Thanks to its special formulation, zinc is complexed by a series of natural substances that amplify its action. It increases the plant’s natural resistance and vigour.
LABIFITO Cu is a liquid foliar and root fertiliser rich in potassium and phosphorus with a copper content. The application of phosphorus in the present form is very beneficial for most crops, since it has a strengthening, invigorating, bio-stimulating and preventive effect against fungi and bacteria.
This product has been developed to stimulate plant receptors to produce phytoalexins, phenols and polyphenols to create fungal and bacterial resistance. Thus, providing an increase in crop production and invigorating the quality of phosphorus, potassium and copper, providing an assimilable form for the plant, producing a strengthening of the tissues, mainly in trunk, neck and root.
It is used in the stages of maximum consumption of phosphorus: formation of the root system, flowering and setting.
The product, as a whole, has a nutritive and stimulating action, especially significant in certain fungal diseases that typically occur in plants weakened by nitrogen fertilisation.
LABIFITO is a highly technified fertiliser designed to provide fully assimilable phosphorus and potassium. The application of phosphorus in the form of phosphite is very beneficial for most crops, as it has a strengthening, biostimulating and preventive effect against fungi and bacteria.
The perfect translocation of this product gives it great mobility and makes the protection reach, with great intensity, all parts of the plant.
The phosphite ion applied via the leaves and roots exerts a fertilising action comparable to that of phosphates. On the one hand, replacing all phosphoric fertilisation with phosphite can, in some crops, cause phytotoxicities, and in other cases, with certain difficulties in absorbing the phosphates, may prove to be the solution. The best results are obtained when only a part of the phosphoric nutrition is replaced by phosphite. In these cases, in addition to the nutritional effect, all the side effects of stimulation and invigoration are triggered, which, on the other hand, the phosphates do not achieve, whatever the dose of application.
It is important to use the product as a complement to fertigation in intensive crops where high yields require significant contributions of trace elements.
Although they can be used as a cure for already visible deficiencies, it is advisable to use them as prevention, before symptoms appear. When this happens the damage on the crop can be already very serious.
This is a product that provides a complete range of microelements, in chelated form and therefore fully assimilable meeting the needs of intensive, high-yielding horticultural crops. Although it can be used in many crops, it has the exact proportion of the different trace elements so that the strawberry crop obtains the best yields and the best quality of its crops.
It can be used both by root, in fertigation, and in foliar applications.
This is an organic-humic granulate from special humic lignite duly selected and treated.
Due to its richness in humic substances, it modifies the chemical properties of the soil, improving its Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) (clay-humic complex) and unblocking the nutrients that exist in the soil, facilitating its better assimilation.
LABIFOL BORO 15% is a liquid fertiliser that provides fully soluble and assimilable boron. Boron is an essential element in many crops since it intervenes in a large number of metabolic processes and its deficiency can cause significant production reductions, since it is the primary element in the lengthening of the pollen tube and the germination of pollen.
LABIFOL BORO 15% contains complexed boron. Complexing agents and other co-formulants are responsible for the boron being absorbed and translocated very quickly.
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