The smart forest of LABIN

At LABIN, we have set out to find more SUSTAINABLE initiatives. And you may ask, what do we do? Well, among many other actions we carry out to neutralise our carbon footprint, we have created the LABIN SMART FOREST in collaboration with companies such as Retree and Arbre Team.

But... What do you mean, a FOREST? Yes, yes, a forest, OUR FOREST. This initiative consists of the reforestation of forests that have suffered a fire. Trees, like all plants, have the capacity to absorb atmospheric CO2 and transform it into oxygen, they are therefore very good allies in offsetting and neutralizing the carbon footprint. In this way we will create CO2 sinks capable of absorbing large tons of CO2 and thus neutralise our environmental impact.

But be careful! This is not only about planting trees, but also about regenerating ECOSYSTEMS. Many species that had lost their habitat will be able to return to their refuge. In addition, this project encourages the generation of rural and local employment near the area where the trees are planted.

And you, do you know how you can contribute? Well, we make it very easy for you! Contribute for free with just one CLICK!


Labin - Carbon footprint reduction plan

The carbon footprint is an environmental indicator that quantifies the greenhouse gas emissions of organizations, the main cause of climate change. Reducing the carbon footprint is an essential measure for LABIN's contribution to the global fight against climate change.

In this regard, reducing the carbon footprint responds to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), promoted by the United Nations through the 2030 Agenda.

To reduce their carbon footprint, LABIN has developed a carbon footprint reduction plan based on the value of Tn of CO2 resulting from the calculation made with the MITECO calculator and Scope 1+2. Thanks to this calculation we can know the activities that contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases and focus on reducing them. How?

  • We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by 70% in our liquid and solid fertilizer plant within 5 years, by using electric forklifts, thus reducing fossil fuel consumption, and by purchasing electricity that comes from 100% renewable energy and has a GoO (Guarantee of Origin).

  • In our granulated fertilizer plant, we have eliminated the gas in our manufacturing process by using vegetable biomass, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, we continue with our commitment to reduce emissions by improving in different aspects of our processes.

We are proud to be able to contribute to preserving the environment, working for a clean future free of non-renewable energies.


Biomass Burner of our pellet plant.

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