LabinSmartTech is a technology born of exhaustive continuous study into the metabolism of plant nutrition in all its forms and from a very broad perspective.

The idea that mineral elements have the power to affect plant nutrition goes far beyond the attainment of the food itself, and has been one of the most important lines of work. Moreover, knowledge of the metabolic processes involved in nutrition, and the study of the natural organic substances involved in them, has also been an important line of research. Finally, the study of strategic minerals not considered as fertilisers completes the lines of work.

Products with LabinSmarTech technology add the natural organic substances involved in the assimilation, transport and action within the plant to the mineral elements. The plant recognizes them as from its own metabolism, and so is much more effective. It also adds strategic natural minerals - directly related to the strength of the plants - to the classical nutrients, which in some cases have still not been considered as a fertiliser.

The fact of using natural substances for formulations of these products makes them useful in organic farming, as they have great stimulating power and are also easily mixed.
LabinSmarTech technology products are the latest generation of advanced LABIN products, providing solutions for agriculture which needs to be increasingly technological, productive and sustainable.
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