LABIFOL SUPERAMINO is a formulation designed with free amino acids of low molecular weight that act efficiently in situations of stress, both biotic and abiotic.
It is the perfect balance between the efficiency of animal amino acids and the high assimilation of vegetable amino acids.
Compared to other products based on amino acids that we can find in the market, LABIFOL SUPERAMINO, has a really low average molecular weight of 1000 daltons. This fact implies that the amino acids are highly assimilable for the plant and that it consumes less energy in the synthesis of its own proteins and organic molecules in its system.
Mainly, the plant will use the amino acids that we incorporate in the product to obtain energy, will use the carbon for its plant structure, will complex other nutrients allowing its assimilation, will delay the senescence and will detoxify the cells.

For critical moments and to improve photosynthetic function, usable in Organic Farming
- Fast recovery in extreme situations
- Improves the photosynthetic function
- Apply at critical moments: flowering, fruit setting and ripening,...
- Usable in Organic Agriculture

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