LABIFOL MANGAZINC is a liquid product that provides highly assimilable manganese and zinc, both for foliar and root application. It is the ideal fertiliser to prevent or cure manganese and/or zinc deficiencies, especially in plants that have great sensitivity such as vegetables, fruit trees, tropical trees and citrus trees. It is a very interesting product in RED fruits and vegetables, to increase the intensity of its colour.
LABIFOL MZP-94 is a powder product, usable in Organic Agriculture, especially formulated for the supply of manganese and zinc, totally soluble in water, which is rapidly absorbed within the vegetative body.
Zinc and manganese are usually blocked in the soil. For this reason there are often non-visible deficiencies in many crops, especially in citrus trees, fruit trees and vegetables.
In this product, these two microelements have been complexed with natural substances (lignosulfonates) that are recognised by the plant as its own. That explains its high efficiency, both in foliar application and by fertigation.
LABIFORT MZ is a fertiliser in powder format to correct deficiencies of Manganese and Zinc, in crops sensitive to these two microelements such as vegetables, fruit trees, citrus trees and tropical trees. Its formulation incorporates stimulating agents, which cause a rapid assimilation of these contributed microelements by the crop.
This is a liquid product especially indicated to be applied in periods of vegetative growth of the crops.
This product incorporates the LABIN ENERGY effect that enhances and expands the effectiveness of the foliar treatment.
LABIN ENERGY GROW incorporates a group of stimulant substances, the main component of which is BETAINES, and which includes amino acids and microelements. The adverse environmental conditions of a crop have an important influence on its development, growth and productivity. These can cause what we call abiotic stress, when it is caused by water deficit, salinity, cold, heat, light irradiation, etc. BETAINES act by producing an osmoprotective effect at the cellular level in the plant and reduce this stress.
NPK foliar fertiliser rich in potassium, indicated in the growth phase and fattening of the fruits. This product incorporates the LABIN ENERGY effect that enhances and expands the effectiveness of the foliar treatment.
LABIN ENERGY FRUIT incorporates a group of stimulant substances, the main component of which is BETAINES, and which includes amino acids and microelements. The adverse environmental conditions of a crop have an important influence on its development, growth and productivity. These can cause what we call abiotic stress, when it is caused by water deficit, salinity, cold, heat, light irradiation, etc. BETAINES act by producing an osmoprotective effect at the cellular level in the plant and reduce this stress.
Liquid fertiliser that, due to its acidic pH, lowers the pH of nutritive broths, while it does not foam when added to the treatment tank.
Its formulation incorporates an indicator that allows to visually control, when we reach the appropriate pH.
LABIN ECOCOMPLET is a liquid NPK fertiliser with organic matter and amino acids. Given its NPK 3-5-5 level, it is ideal for phenological stages that require more phosphorus and potassium intake, such as rooting of the crop, flowering, fruit set, and development and ripening of the fruit.
It is an important source of ecological phosphorus.
With the application of the product, we will achieve the following points in our crops:
- Enhances flowering and reduces the drop/abortion of curdled fruits.
- Stimulates the growth of the plant, improving the synthesis of the chlorophyll molecule.
- It favours the resistance of the plant to low temperature stress situations.
LABINOR 4-6-12 is an NPK organomineral fertiliser presented in the form of granules, especially indicated to satisfy the needs of nitrogen in Organic Agriculture. Due to its cold granulation process, and unlike in pellets, it is very sensitive to soil moisture, so it presents a rapid onset of release. Its granular shape allows easy application and the use on any type of fertiliser spreader.
Thanks to its union with organic matter, the release of nitrogen occurs gradually. The assimilation of phosphorus and potassium is also favoured by the content of organic matter.
Dispersible concentrate of extract of Urtica spp. Obtained by macerating the aerial part of the dry plants of Urtica dioica. It is a basic substance with BIOSTIMULANT, ACARICIDE, INSECTICIDE and FUNGICIDE action. Of all the plant extracts, nettle plant extract is among the most complete. Nettle contains a very complex mixture of principles. It also provides natural hormones, which contribute to the vitality of the plant where the extract is applied. At the same time, it is rich in formic and histamine acids, which, released through low temperature infusion or cold maceration, behave like insecticides, acaricides and fungicides.
LABIN EQUITOP is a dispersible concentrate of Equisetum arvense L. extract obtained by macerating the aerial part of dried horsetail plants. It is a basic substance with fungicidal action. Its effectiveness is based on its stimulating action on the defense mechanisms of plants against fungi given its content in organic silicon (bound to proteins) and salts rich in potassium and magnesium. Along with saponoids, flavonoids and tannins (the main one being equisetonine).
The content in these phenolic compounds means that when treating the plant with LABIN EQUITOP, the fungi cannot reproduce, they dehydrate and die.