LABIMETHYL is a fertilizer designed to strengthen the roots and provide resistance to soil fatigue in intensive crops.
The application of LABIMETHYL in fertirrigation is recommended so that the crops of intensive exploitations can lengthen their cycle and reach the end in very good productive conditions.
LABIMETHYL strengthens the root system so it acquires greater resistance to bacterial disease and diseases of the neck and root, etc.
In the vineyard, resistance to wood diseases increases.


Liquid organic matter developed specifically to complement mineral fertigation.

LABIN MATERIA ORGANICA manages to improve soil fertility conditions in intensive crops. We achieve a greater assimilation of the nutrients and a higher yield of the fertiliser. Blockages are eliminated and salinity is reduced.


Solid product based on a concentrate of humic acids extracted from young active leonardite.
It has the advantage of resisting hard water, controlling the appearance of flocs and deposits in the nutritive solution. Its low molecular weight favours its capacity of complex formation and absorption by the plant. Thanks to this content in humic substances, it is particularly suitable for improving soil fertility in all types of crops.


It is a liquid product, with a high content of humic and fulvic acids, from leonardite.
This is a stable product, totally soluble, odourless, easy and convenient to use in fertigation. Humic substances directly improve the fertility of the soil, especially as regards its cationic exchange capacity and, therefore, the release of nutrients.


LABIN ANTISAL is a corrector for soil and saline water in crops with fertigation.

LABIN ANTISAL acts by changing the excess of sodium by calcium in the clay-humic complex, releasing the sodium and other salts to be dragged to lower soil layers. To complete the action, abundant watering is necessary so that the sodium is washed out of the reach of the roots.


LABICUPER is technology and design at the service of a formulation that provides nutritional complexed copper. Copper is an essential microelement for normal plant growth and development, participating in numerous physiological processes such as photosynthesis, cell respiration, oxidative stress and metabolism. As corroborated by several studies, it is also directly related to an improvement in the production of different vegetable crops. Maintaining optimal levels of copper in all plant tissues has productive advantages.

LABICUPER achieves perfect translocation and uniform distribution of the nutrient copper.


There are many sources and many scientific studies showing that silicon is a beneficial element for crops.
It is a fact that silicon provides many benefits in different plant species, both in soilless crops and in conventional soil. The use of silicon in agronomy is a tool with a lot of potential of great interest, especially when we are seeing progress in the importance of drought and irregularity of rainfall, in a clear global warming. Another characteristic in favour of the application of LABIN FERTISIL is the great advantage of using silicon through fertigation; it does not mean a cultural management task as it happens in a foliar application. The quality, dose and way of handling of the products that contain silicon in its formulation are the ones that can justify an increase on the vigour as much in the production of vegetal biomass, as in the fruits.


LABISINERGIC is designed to provide silicon, an element rarely available in the soil, in a totally assimilable form. SILICON is highly beneficial and very deficient in all crops.

LABISINERGIC gets two important effects:
1- To regularise the nutrients by making fertilisation more efficient.
2- To confer greater resistance and elasticity to the plant cuticles thus improving the post-harvest behaviour of the fruit.


LABIFORCE BMo is a foliar application fertiliser, providing boron and molybdenum, which is formulated with highly stimulating organic substances.
It contains molybdenum which intervenes directly in the assimilation of nitrogen and phosphorus. It also contains boron which activates the resistance mechanisms, as well as flowering and setting.
It is the perfect synergy of microelements with plant extracts.


LABIFOL SUPERAMINO is a formulation designed with free amino acids of low molecular weight that act efficiently in situations of stress, both biotic and abiotic.
It is the perfect balance between the efficiency of animal amino acids and the high assimilation of vegetable amino acids.
Compared to other products based on amino acids that we can find in the market, LABIFOL SUPERAMINO, has a really low average molecular weight of 1000 daltons. This fact implies that the amino acids are highly assimilable for the plant and that it consumes less energy in the synthesis of its own proteins and organic molecules in its system.
Mainly, the plant will use the amino acids that we incorporate in the product to obtain energy, will use the carbon for its plant structure, will complex other nutrients allowing its assimilation, will delay the senescence and will detoxify the cells.